Senin, 11 Februari 2013

Sikat Gigi Ajaib

Haai teman-teman blogger :-D gw mau nge share tentang tugas yg dikasi sama dosen ESP Speaking gw neh. Yah menurut gw seh aneh cz kita disuruh promosikan suatu barang dengan kata-kata yg membuat gw berkhayal tingkat tinggi gtuuuu. hahaha tapi itu mah kecil secara gw kan anak didiknya Enstein jadi otaknya encer buktinya aja dalam waktu semalam tugas itu udah selese dan terhapalkan hmm walaupun sebenarnya tugasnya dari seminggu yang lalu seh. Hahahha anak korban SKS (sistem kebut semalam). Jangan Ditiru ya teman-teman sikapku yg itu ! BERBAHAYA

Ok, Let's see my promotion :-D

Hello guys, How are you today? I hope all of you fine
The first I will introduce my self, My name is Dakwatul Khairoh, I come from Sumbawa and I study in University of Muhammadiyah Malang (accounting mayor). Next in here I will introduce product that I have that is well known to foreign tourist. Tadaaaaaaaaaa (memperlihatkan barang). What do you think about this product? Yes, this is the most advanced “Toothbrush” in the world today.
This advantage of using this toothbrush :
  • For those of you, who feel less confident with your teeth yellow, red, green and others as less than clean? This is the solution. Toothbrush extraordinary that can make you teeth clean with just one use, your teeth will look clean and white up to a month. Hehhehehe (gilakk cuma sekali pake bisa langsung bersih dan putih berbulan-bulan). Wekkk :-p
  • This toothbrush can heal the hurt you caused toothache, so don't worry to feel upset when she was hit by a toothache. ( jadi gag perlu pusing kalo sakit gigi langsung aja gosok pake sikat gigi ajaib gw). hahahha
  • To you all especially mens, this toothbrush will allow you to find a girlfriend. You know Afgan Syahreza ? Yes, everyone knows he is a solo artist. He was so crazy by all woman because of his good looks and very sweet smile. And you know why afgan sweet smile? Because he ever use these product. Including Me :-) very love with Afgan
  • Other advantages of this tooth brush has been recognized by the international community. Tooth brush was used by astronaut “ Sunita William and Akihiko Hoshide” to improve energy system international space station when destroyed will experience aloss of US $100 Billion or 956,5 triliun rupiah (yg ini benar lohhh maksudnya tentang sikat gigi yg menyelamatkan mereka).
Ok guys, what are you waiting? If you buy this product you will be maintained health and trends in your community. And I give lifetime warranty special for you but if you hasitate to buy it now, wahhhh is unfortunate because I might not be here anymore and that sometimes you need this product will be hard to find.

That's all for me, Thank you your attention :-)

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